Hello friend! I’m so happy to see you here. I love hearing from my readers.

Are you stuck with a design idea? Want to brainstorm on getting your vision to reality?

Are there any details from a post I missed to help you with your project?

Are you interested in advertising on Nooks In Bloom?

Or is there anything other we can help you with?

Maybe you just wanted to say “hi!”

I LOVE any of the above! Grateful to connect with you. You can reach me by submitting your message below or emailing me at:

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So glad you reached out!

3 thoughts on “Contact Me”

  1. Ok..you had me with the PlasterTEX but then I saw the Saltwash.
    I’ve sealed the cinderblock in the basement with white paint.
    Is there any reason why I can’t use the Saltwash instead of the PlasterTex?
    It looks like it isn’t as labor-intensive and the result is just as pretty.
    Please advise! Thanks

    1. Hello! You know, that’s an idea too. I love the effects that Saltwash create too. It is certainly worth a try. Maybe something you can test over the painted layers in a small section and see if you like the results. I think it could really look lovely. It will achieve a different aesthetic than the PlasterTex but it will be a textured finish also that will add that old world character. Let me know how it goes if you do try it!

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•Creating Home Affordably
•Inspired by European & Grandmillenial Styles
•Medical Medium Living
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